Monday, July 14, 2014

"We forget how great we are."


So, you know how people "binge-watch" tv shows on Netflix?

You know, you get hooked on Sherlock or Dr.Who or Downton Abbey and end up watching all the episodes in like 12 hours straight?

Well, I binge-watch/listen to sermons and Christian "talks".

We need a term for me that is like "geek" but pertaining specifically to Christianity.

Anyways, as I was driving home from NYC today, I listened to three Steubenville Conference talks by Chris Stefanick (who gets me more excited than Orlando Bloom or Brendon Urie ever did- but in an entirely different way, thank God) and then ended up listening to Leah Darrow.

Now, this woman.

This woman.


She talked a little too much about shoes in her women's session (I'm not a "girly" girl) but everything else, just…. thank you, God for your amazing grace on us all. Love it.

Please, just take half an hour and watch this first video and if you like it; watch the second.  The first video is aimed at both young men and women (but applicable to all ages) and the second is from a women's session but I think men could absolutely benefit from a listen as well.

Leah Darrow's general keynote speech from Steubenville 2012

Link for mobile users here.

And her women's session from Steubenville 2013

Link for mobile users here.

Picture source here.

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