Sunday, May 4, 2014

I Can't Even

I am having a fit of excitement this Sunday morning.  A friend of mine who is also pursuing purity recommended this speaker, Jason Evert, and I finally took the time to listen to his message.  She recommended a specific talk that he gave to an audience of college students which can be purchased as an mp3 from Amazon here.   Buy it. Do it now. I have watched, listened, and read material that promotes purity/chastity since I was 11 years old, and I have been deeply researching purity/chastity and all the issues surrounding sex for a couple years now, but this is THE BEST. If you don't want to purchase it please go to and watch everything.  Jason Evert and his wife bravely share their very different testimonies.  Although Jason Evert was a virgin until his marriage at 27 years of age, he has a history of porn use and his wife, Crystalina, was deep into partying and premarital sex before she committed herself to God's intentions and recommitted herself to purity.  AMAZING TESTIMONIES. I can't even. My favorite video may be "Made for More" on the Pornography, Etc page under "Breaking Free".  Love it.  I have nothing further to say. Mind blown.  Fireworks in my cranium.

Picture source here.

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