First, I don't want people to hate me. I am a very sensitive person who is hurt quite easily. I'm just being honest. Trust me, I'm always working on having a thicker skin. I really love people and I find all kinds of people fascinating and lovely. Only very, very rarely have I met someone I don't like immediately. I have people I consider good friends from all sorts of religions and lifestyles. Their opinions of me matter to me, of course. I have no desire to tell them how to live their lives. I may worry about them or feel bad about situations/relationships in their lives that have caused them pain, but plenty of people worry about me and feel bad for me because I am 25 and still a virgin! If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "you have to take a car for a test drive before you buy it!", I would have my student loans paid off. So, it is my earnest hope that people would not feel "judged" by my words in this blog and think less of me for it.
Secondly, while it is true that you can't please everyone all the time, Christians are supposed to try to be pleasing to everyone:
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Gentiles (non-Christians) or the church of God (Christians)— even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
1 Corinthians 10:31-33
So, I find it to be partially a failure in myself if I am seen by others as intolerant or judgmental. That being said, Christianity is simply offensive to many people regardless of how it is presented. If at all possible though, I would like to present my views in a way that is pleasing to everyone even if my readers don't agree with me.
Finally and most importantly, I am commanded by God's word, not to judge non-Christians. As I quoted before:
What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.
1 Corinthians 5:12-13
So, I want it to be VERY clear that any words of "rebuke" or "instruction" that I write are directed towards Bible-believing Christians who already call on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. These are the people with whom I have a bone to pick. I have a huge problem with Christians who do not proclaim the truth and endeavor to keep God's commandments. They are the reason why SO many liberal atheists hate us. All those Christians who judge the sexual lifestyles of people OUTSIDE the church (against God's commandments!) but turn a blind eye to ALL their own sexual sin INSIDE the church. Heterosexual Christians are destroying God's design for marriage with fornication and adultery, they can not blame any non-Christian outside of the church whether they are gay, straight, or bi. I have no hard words for any heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual person who is not a Christian. So, if you are atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Hindu, Druid, or one of those people who check off the "Christian" box on their Facebook demographics just because they come from an Irish Catholic heritage or whatever; I have no personal interest in your sex life. None. So please, please don't feel "judged" by me. My hard words are for my brothers and sisters in Christ only. I adore you as you are, I promise. You just keep being you, but if you'd like to know more about the Christ I worship I'd love to tell you about Him. Other than that, I've got nothing to bother you with, and I would like to heartily apologize for any Christian who hurt you with their hypocritical judgement.
In closing, if I may, I'd like to share a story with you that might give you a better understanding of why I am writing this blog.
She was just a small slip of a thing, fifteen years old with long, natural red hair of that perfect ginger hue which Hollywood actresses try to copy. She made a case for abortion that I couldn't argue against.
"No child should know what it's like to not be wanted by their father."
This little girl's father abandoned her mother shortly after she became pregnant, and this sweet little girl said that it would have been better to be aborted than to grow up knowing that pain. This smart, exuberant little girl with a thousand-watt smile was convinced that it would have been better to die in utero than to know that her father didn't love her mother and didn't want her for a daughter. She was emphatic. She sat cross legged on the ground and pounded the carpet with her fist when she said it, "NO ONE should know what it feels like to not be wanted by one of their parents." And she's right. She wasn't a pro-choice liberal arguing for women's rights, she was a little girl baring the scars left by a father who didn't love or value her.However, the problem is NOT that this gorgeous, perfect, sweet teenage-girl should have been aborted as a baby. The problem is that her father was "making love" to a woman he didn't love. He wanted to have the pleasure from sex but didn't want to be ONE with the woman he was f*cking, to use today's vernacular. He didn't CHERISH the miracle of LIFE which comes from two people becoming one, which is the biological PURPOSE of sex. He wanted some endorphins; thats all. Don't paint him as a villain though. He was only doing what everyone else does, well 97.8% of everybody, including 80% of all Christians who proclaim the name of Christ. It is unbearable to me that 80% of Christians are despising the blessings of sex as God intended it, that Christian men and women are causing this kind of pain. Every child should feel like they are nothing less than the perfect miracle of pure love. That is why I write this blog. The answer is not better safe sex education (although I'm all for safe sex education) and the answer is not more abortion clinics. The answer is valuing our bodies and sex and children and LIFE as sacred. A man and woman should be sacred to each other, their children should be sacred to them.
Truly, what has been gained by viewing our bodies as just physical and sex as just a means for pleasure?
I agree 100% no child should ever know she was never wanted by her father it causes everlasting hurt.