Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Some Days, Many Days

There are some days when I don't want to speak or even think about sex at all, and it's impossible to get through a day without it coming up somewhere. My coworkers are complaining about their husbands going to the strip club or a sexual song comes on the radio like "Gorilla" or, God forbid, I turn the TV on; it is always something.  Sex is impossible to get away from in our society.  I've done a lot of research for this blog by way of watching Teen Mom on MTV or Games of Thrones on HBO - I could do a whole blog on Wedding Crashers that I watched this weekend. It's depressing. Desperately depressing for someone who struggles to cling to the idea that our bodies are sacred. So there are days when I hate that I care about it at all because its a daily grief.  One can not avoid the reminder of how it means nothing to so many.  Do you know, in Ted Mosby's quest for "true love" on How I Met Your Mother, he dated/slept with over thirty women!  Ted Mosby wasn't waiting for his true love to come into his life; he was trying to turn every girl he dated into "the one" when he couldn't let go of his feelings for Robin.  Pathetic.  How many times was he engaged? And it's supposed to be a show about "true love"?  Future blogs about the value of our bodies and true love in the works, but nothing for today. Too depressing.  I will leave you with Mumford and Sons.  The struggle for purity is a common theme in their music which is a great comfort to me.

* If you are on a mobile device that won't display the imbedded video, you can find it here.

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